#3 Java Non-Access Modifiers

             As we discussed in Access Modifiers,  Non-Access Modifiers do not change any accessibility of  methods or variables. But they are providing special capabilities to them.

There are various types of Non-Access modifiers are available in Java.

1) Final: It is applicable to class, method and variable.

             a) Final Class: Such class can not be extended by any other class.

             b) Final Method: Such method can not be overridden by any subclass.

             c) Final Variable: Such variable's value can not changed. They are act like constants.

public final class JavaFixer { // final class

 final int COUNT = 10; // final variable

 final void displayCount() // final method
  System.out.println("Count is" + COUNT);

2) Static: It is applicable to Nested class, method and variable.

             a) Static Nested Class: Such class can be accessed without any instance of class.

             b) Static Method: Such method can be accessed without any instance of class.

             c) Static Variable: Such variable's has only one single storage. Means its value will be shared among all objects of variable's class.

public class JavaFixerOuter {
 static int count = 10; // static variable

 static void displayCount() // static method
  System.out.println("Count from displayCount method: " + count);

 static class JavaFixerInner { // static nested class
  static void printMessage() {
   System.out.println("Count from JavaFixerInner class: " + count);

public class Main {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
  System.out.println("Count = " + JavaFixerOuter.count);

3) Abstract: It is applicable to class and method.

             a) Abstract Class: Such class must be declared abstract. It may or may not contain abstract methods.

             b) Abstract Method: Such method does not contain method body.

public abstract class JavaFixer { // abstract class
 abstract void abstractMethod(); // abstract method

public class Main extends JavaFixer {
 void abstractMethod() {
  System.out.println("Hello from abstractMethod");

4) Synchronized: It is applicable to method.

             a) Synchronized Method: Such method can be accessed by only one thread at time.

public class JavaFixer {
 private int count = 0;

 public synchronized void increment() { // synchronized method

 public synchronized int getCount() { // synchronized method
  return count;

5) Native: It is applicable to method.

             a) Native Method: Such method represent that its implementation has been done on platform dependent code.

public class JavaFixer {
 private native void print();

 public static void main(String[] args) {
  new JavaFixer().print();

6) Strictfp: It is applicable to class and method.

             a) Strictfp Class: Such class gives assurance that all operations on floating point variables of class will return same result on all platform.

             b) Strictfp Method: Such Method gives assurance that all operations on floating point variables of method will return same result on all platform.

public strictfp class JavaFixer { // strictfp class
 private strictfp void print(){} // strictfp method

7) Transient: It is applicable to variable.

             a) Transient Variable: Such variable value doesn't persist when object is serialized.

public class JavaFixer implements Serializable {
 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

 transient int count = 10; // transient variable

8) Volatile: It is applicable to variable.

             a) Volatile Variable: Such variable indicate that a variable's value will be modified by different threads. Its value will never be cached in CPU.

public class JavaFixer {
 volatile int count = 10; // volatile variable